7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart-Volunteer
7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart
Number 7: Volunteer!
Volunteering in any capacity is good for you and will help you stay young at heart. Volunteering with people young people, however, is especially good for this purpose.
Researchers haven’t identified exactly why, but there is something about being around young people (defined as 25 and under) regularly that seems to slow down the aging process and make older adults feel younger.
Maybe all of that extra energy is transferred from younger people to older ones! Regardless of the reason, consider volunteering with young people.
What kind of volunteer work is available? To start with the obvious one, educational help is always needed. This would mean tutoring kids and college students who are behind in their studies or at risk of failing.
Most every community needs volunteer tutors at schools, community centers, and other places. You have to fill out an application and pass a background check, but you don’t have to be a retired teacher.
Mentoring young people is another great option. Not every kid or young adult has someone, let alone an entire family, to help them grow into adulthood. Organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters are dedicated to matching at-risk youth with adults and seniors willing to mentor them.
Another option is to volunteer to help out with sports. Most kids, teen, and college-age sporting leagues depend on a legion of volunteers for coaching, refereeing, setting up and taking down equipment, and a host of other activities. No matter what sport is your favorite, you can probably find a group that needs your help.
Do you have grandchildren? Why not volunteer at their school? All schools need adults to volunteer everywhere from the cafeteria to the library to the theater. They are usually glad to have grandparents willing to help.
You could also volunteer at local arts or music organizations, or at any local museum that caters to a lot of young people. These groups always need volunteers. You could be a tour guide, lecturer, or even work in the gift shop.
Children’s hospitals always need volunteers. Libraries often do too. Local festivals and fairs are usually run by volunteers and are often directed at young people.
Naturally, these are just a few of the many opportunities for volunteering with young people. If this option interests you, you’re sure to find plenty of other opportunities if you care to look. Helping young people is a great way for you to stay young at heart while also doing good in the world.
I hope you've enjoyed my 7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart series. Stay tuned for another fun and informative series starting soon! In the meantime - tell me, do you volunteer, and if so what's your favorite organization to volunteer for?
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